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QuickDraw Translation

Thursday, February 02, 2006


The Cambodian government requested TV performers appear more conservative.

A wave of rumors began to spread amongst Phnom Penh's students.
"Don't dye your hair, or grow it long!

"The police will arrest you and fine you!"

The Ministry of Information issued a statement: no fines for dyed hair*.
And report anyone who tries to 'collect'.

But hairdressers found a wave of students returning to dye their hair black.

You can still find plenty of blonde and red haired Cambodians,

with hair bleached by the sun or affected by malnutrition.

(*reference : Cambodia Daily, January 19, 2006 p. 16)
(More notes and translation to follow, I'm away this weekend! Cheers to M and T for much help.)

posted by Jinja Thursday, February 02, 2006

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