Posts Tagged ‘How to QuickDraw’

How To QuickDraw (Indonesian)

Thursday, January 14th, 2010




How to QuickDraw

Wednesday, August 13th, 2003

How to QuickDraw

This comic is basically to explain my approach. “Quick Drawing” is like free writing: you just sit down and draw. Usually I have an idea in mind already. This strip was no exception; I wanted to explain the process in Khmer. It took just under an hour, which is my usual speed.

As a name, “QuickDraw” serves as an indication of being topical and fast moving, and also truth in advertising. (Just ‘cause it’s done in a hurry doesn’t mean it’s good.) As a teacher I’ve often been bailed out by my ability to draw fast to explain a word or concept.

But the more time I spend in Southeast Asia, the more detail I want to show, and more reference I want to use. I’ve bought a digital camera, and am using that to get more details for drawing. Like the little fellow below: ‘Sawmaw’ or ‘Rambutan’, a Lychee-like fruit that’s common here.

Usually I draw fresh from the start and tidy up afterwards. Khmer usually reads at a bigger size than Romanized text though, so prior to drawing this strip I ruled out the panel borders and pasted up the text. This is a technical process we in the comics industry call ‘cheating’.

Thanks to the Bishop/Wild family for letting me use a window for sizing of text, and Fantastic Planet where I drew the strip. (Anybody got a spare lightbox I can borrow? Email me.)


How to QuickDraw

Wednesday, August 13th, 2003

Get pen and paper.
Write the time of day on the top.
Now DRAW! As fast as you can.
Whatever is on your mind.

“My cousin’s head looks like a Sawmaw fruit.”
OK, finished?
“No wait…”
“OK, finished!”
Write the time.
Show your friends!
“Ha Ha Ha – Sawmaw!”
Now do it again.

Thanks to Seng Ratha for translation.

Click for more details about this week’s comic.
